Saturday, September 21, 2013

Catch up!

Hey guys!! Missed you!!

I'm so sorry I was away from the blog for so long, but a lot happened and things got really complicated.

If you want to know what happened, check this video:

Now, I would love to say that I would be back and post once a week like I was doing, but I just started school and this year (I'm on the last year of high school) is going to be... intense!
I am going to try to post more, but I won't promise anything.

I'm hoping that in Winter break I actually get to work on some posts and post more after that, but untill then, I probably won't be very constant.

Still, I'll do my best :)

Hope you can all understant.

Oh, and if you want to catch up with me, follow me on twitter (!/Ella9999 ), check my other blogs ( and ) and my YouTube channel ( )!

Hearts Hugs and Kisses

With love,